Logsnag integration

How it works?

The LogSnag integration in Equilibre allows you to track events and monitor activity within your product. Please read the Logsnag Documentation before doing anything else.

Get Started

  • First, you'll need to sign up for a LogSnag account and obtain your API key.
  • In your Equilibre project, you'll need to add this API key to the .env.
  • You can then use the LogSnag API to track events and send data to your LogSnag dashboard. To do so, use the /api/send-analytics-event endpoint.


await $fetch('/api/send-analytics-event', {    method: 'POST',    body: {      channel: 'users',      event: 'New user!',      description: `New user ${user.username} signed up`,      icon: '๐ŸŽ‰',      notify: true,      tags: {        'user-id': user.id,        email: user.email,        username: user.username      }    }  })