
What is an Onboarding flow?

Having an onboarding flow in your SaaS can provide numerous benefits to both your business and your users. An onboarding flow is a series of steps or processes that help new users understand and learn how to use your product effectively. By creating a smooth and intuitive onboarding experience, you can:

  • Improve user retention and satisfaction
  • Increase adoption and loyalty to your product
  • Reduce support requests and churn
  • Help users quickly become productive and efficient with your product, leading to increased efficiency and effectiveness within their own businesses or organizations

Overall, an onboarding flow can help ensure a positive first impression and set the stage for a successful long-term relationship with your users.

Setup your onboarding

By default, onboarding is enabled and will be displayed to users right after they register. You can disable it in the configuration file: config/index.ts

Everything happens in the pages/app/onboarding.vue file. You add and/or delete as much steps as you want by creating new components in components/App/Onboarding/, and call them at the bottom of the onboarding page. Make sure to update the step object in that page too.

Once onboarding is complete, an API call will be sent to the profiles table to set the onboarded property of the user to true.