Project Structure

Equilibre is a Nuxt theme that provides a ton of content, components and shortcuts to launch your SaaS quickly. If you are familiar with Nuxt, you will feel right at home.

Directory Structure

assets/  img/components/  App/  Base/  Landing/composables/config/layouts/middleware/pages/plugins/public/server/  api/stores/types/app.vuenuxt.config.ts

Components folder

This folder is divided in three parts: App, Base and Landing.

  • Landing: The components used only in your landing page.
  • Base: The basics components, used everywhere. Button, Modal, etc.
  • App: All the other componants being used in your application.

Each of its folders can contain several subfolders. We encourage you to keep this structure for your project, but feel free to create new subfolders for your components.


This folder contains important information about your product, including products and pricing, features, FAQ questions and answers, etc.


We have chosen to group the different type files in this folder. You can of course organize yourself differently.